Hamilton celebrates STEM Academy success at Mulberry School.

Seven-time Formula One world champion Lewis Hamilton visited Mulberry School for Girls in London’s Tower Hamlets, to see how its partnership with Mercedes-Benz Grand Prix, called Accelerate 25, is helping to inspire students from underrepresented backgrounds to pursue careers in STEM. The partnership, between Mulberry Schools Trust and the racing team, provides opportunities for students to develop skills, confidence, and aspirations. During his visit, Hamilton shared his own story of perseverance and determination, encouraging students to believe in themselves and follow their dreams.
Hamilton said, “I want to inspire young people to believe that they can be whatever they want to be”.

STEM education is a program that aims to prepare students for college, graduate study, and careers in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Mulberry School for Girls, a secondary school in London, is committed to providing its students with high-quality STEM education and opportunities.
The visit allowed Hamilton to see firsthand how STEM education is put into practice at the school. He took part in activities such as a robotics lesson, where he learned about programming and coding. Hamilton also experienced an immersive arts experience that showed how the students are using digital and production arts to create innovative work.

“It was an absolute privilege to meet these talented and driven young people and learn about the cutting-edge work being done by the Mulberry Schools Trust and our team to inspire future generations of engineers,” said Hamilton. “I hope these students continue to pursue their goals and use their passions to create positive change in the world.”

The seven-time world champion was clearly impressed by the passion and intelligence of the students he met, and the way in which the Mulberry Schools Trust and Mercedes-Benz Grand Prix are working together to create opportunities for the next generation of engineers. The visit was an inspiring and enlightening experience for all involved.

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