Rory McIlroy has revealed the name of Manchester United legend who refused to sign an autograph for him as a child

When he was twelve years old, Rory McIlroy claims a Manchester United legend declined to sign his autograph. He has revealed his name

Professional golfer Rory McIlroy disclosed that Manchester United legend Roy Keane declined to sing an autograph for him during an interview with The Overlap panel. At that point, he was twelve years old.

However, discussing the experience in front of Keane himself made for a very funny segment. Rory appeared to be somewhat stung by the whole thing. He talked about how he considered former Red Devils to be heroes.

McIlroy did, however, note that it didn’t have a lasting effect on him. In defense of himself, Keane claimed that he must have had a negative attitude at the time. which seems like a really good reason, to be honest.

Due to the children running around and “annoying” the players, Keane stated that he only remembered the hotel where the incident occurred. McIlroy acknowledged having turned down requests for autographs from time to time.

According to him, all you can do is try—it is simply impossible to please everyone. We must remember that professionals have lives of their own, even though it might not seem like a big deal to turn down a child’s request for an autograph.

It is more of a job for them, and playing football is just a part of their life. We can’t hold it against the players if they choose not to sign autographs because the fame that comes with it is merely a byproduct of their labor.

Former Manchester United legend Roy Keane has earned himself a bit of a reputation for being arrogant. (Photo by Cameron Smith

McIlroy is considered by many as one of the greatest golfers of all time, so it appears that forgoing the autograph has paid off. Perhaps Rory, then twelve, was set on fire by his hero’s rejection.

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