PHOTOS of Tom Holland and Zendaya cuddling puppies at UK animal shelter

tactors posted some adorable clips of them cuddling puppies while on a visit to the Battersea Dogs & Cats Home rescue center in London.

Zendaya, also 27, shared videos on her Instagram Story of a tiny puppy resting in her arms.“@Battersea puppy heaven,” the 27-year-old actress wrote in her Instagram story. Alongside another snap, she shared, “Like … are you kidding me?” as a sleeping pup lay in her arms. Zendaya then posted a clip of her stroking a puppy, writing, “Got the lil legs going lol. Noons gonna be so mad when he smells me @battersea,” referring to her dog Noons

Holland posted a carousel of photos that included a closeup of several sweetly sleeping puppies, and another of himself posed in a blue and white hazmat suit.

“Tom and Zendaya visited Battersea to find out more about the work we do to support rescue dogs and cats and to meet some of the animals currently in our care,” a spokesperson added in a statement to PEOPLE on Friday. “It was lovely to welcome them to Battersea.”

Battersea Dogs & Cats Home has been operating as an animal rescue center since 1860. The late Queen Elizabeth was a Patron for 60 years after taking on the role in May 1956.

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