About Novak Djokovic And His Children Love For His Dog Pet [PHOTOS].

Novak Djokovic’s love for his dog Pierre is truly heartwarming. In an interview with The Guardian, Djokovic said that “Pierre is my best friend.

He’s been by my side through all the ups and downs, and I’m so grateful to have him in my life.”

He went on to describe how Pierre helps to keep him calm and grounded, especially during intense matches.

Djokovic has also spoken about how he loves taking Pierre on walks and playing with him, which helps him unwind after a long day on the court.

Djokovic’s affection for Pierre is clear, and he’s often seen carrying the little pup around in public.

In fact, Pierre has become something of a celebrity in his own right, with fans and journalists eagerly awaiting sightings of the fluffy white dog.

Djokovic has even brought Pierre into the locker room after matches, much to the delight of his fellow players. Djokovic’s love for Pierre is a beautiful example of the strong bond between humans and their pets.

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