See Photos Of Other Games Djokovic Played At The 2024 Australia Open Before The Main Event Started [PHOTOS].

Novak Djokovic is known for his rigorous and thorough pre-game routines. Before every match, he likes to warm up by playing a variety of other games.

At the Australian Open in 2024, he decided to shake things up and try something new.
Instead of his usual warm-up routine, Novak decided to play a game of ping pong with his coach.

His reasoning was that this would help him loosen up and get into the right mindset for his match. He also thought it would be a fun way to get some practice in before the big game.

The results were mixed. Novak did have fun playing playing different varieties of Games like Basket Ball,Base Base Ball, Sprint etc…

Later, when asked about his decision to playing other games before the match, Novak said, “I wanted to try something new and have a bit of fun. It was a different way to warm up, and even though I lost, I still enjoyed myself.”

Though the experiment didn’t have the desired effect on his tennis game, it did show Novak’s commitment to trying new things and pushing himself outside of his comfort zone.

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